Out Loud
10 Reasons
Points to Ponder
"Hoping for Kindness."
"God bless them all, every one."
"The only gift that I want."
"I am curious!"
"Peace and joy."
"Life is beautiful."
"Don't Shop, Adopt."
"My baby."
"My life mattered to me."
"There but for the grace of God."
"My babies are beautiful!"
"I brake for plant based food."
"Cool and Cooler."
"I thought animals were friends."
"Just taking a little nap."
"We need to talk about speciesism."
"Sleeping Beauties."
"I am looking for a book."
"I am marvelous!"
"I was made from loneliness."
"Healthy and Strong!"
"I am wonderful."
"I cannot go to sleep."