Out Loud
10 Reasons
Points to Ponder
"I am new to this life."
"It makes me smile."
"I am not a product."
"All animals want to feel safe."
"Please shop cruelty-free."
"Are the lab people gone yet?"
"Thank you for kindness."
"Life is Beautiful."
"I am a lovable soul."
"I want to live in peace."
"I was an affectionate soul."
"I am a smart and affectionate being."
"Each one of us is unique."
"I am sweet!"
"I got balance!"
"I am a beautiful bird."
"Can you find it in your heart?"
"I am majestic!"
"Labeled Meat."
"I am fabulous!"
"I'm all ears!"
"We are curious!"
"The world around me."
"I am beautiful!"