Out Loud
10 Reasons
Points to Ponder
"Sorry, I haven't seen her."
"Lo siento, no lo he visto."
"This is my natural habitat."
"Este es mi habitad natural. ”
"Maybe I should try Minecraft next."
"Quizás debería probar Minecraft después.”
“¿Tienes leche? Yo no.”
"Got Milk?"
"¡Me hace saltar de alegría!”
"It makes me jump for joy!"
"Soy lindo, ¡no tocino!"
"I am cute, not bacon!"
"It says don't shop, adopt!"
"Dice: 'No compres ¡Adopta!'"
"Easier Than Ever."
"Es mas fácil que nunca."
"I'm having a bad day."
"Estoy teniendo un mal dia."
"It smells like freedom."
"Huele a libertad."
"All of the above."
"Todas las anteriores."